2011年6月29日 星期三

抽取 RNA 與RNA 電泳

1. The following gel electrophoresis conditions are recommended:

- use 1X TAE buffer instead of 1X TBE
- agarose 1.1 %~1.2 %
- add ethidium bromide (EtBr) to the gel and electrophoresis buffer to avoid the additional (potentially RNAse-prone) step of gel staining
- always use fresh gel and buffer as well as clean electrophoresis equipment for RNA analysis. Wear gloves to protect RNA samples from degradation by nucleases and avoid a hand contact with EtBr.
- use running voltage up to 10 V/cm (10V per each cm of space between the electrodes in electrophoretic chamber). Do not use high voltage to avoid RNA degradation during electrophoresis.

2. Heat an aliquot of the RNA solution at 70°C for 1 min and place it on ice before loading on a gel.

3. Load a known amount of DNA or RNA ladder alongside your RNA sample as a standard for determining the RNA concentration. RNA concentration can be roughly estimated assuming that the efficiency of EtBr incorporation in rRNA is the same as for DNA (the ribosomal RNA may be considered a double-stranded molecule due to its extensive secondary structure).

4. The first sign of RNA degradation on the non-denaturing gel is a slight smear starting from the rRNA bands and extending to the area of shorter fragments. RNA showing this extent of degradation is still good for further procedures. However, if the downward smearing is so pronounced that the rRNA bands do not have a discernible lower edge, this RNA should be discarded.

The following characteristics indicate successful RNA preparation:

- For mammalian total RNA, two intensive bands at approximately 4.5 and 1.9 kb should be observed against a light smear. These bands represent 28S and 18S rRNA. The ratio of intensities of these bands should be about 1.5-2.5:1. Intact mammalian poly (A)+ RNA appears as a smear sized from 0.1 to 4-7 (or more) kb with faint 28S and 18S rRNA bands.

- In the case of RNA from non-mammalian sources (plants, insects, yeast, amphibians), the normal mRNA smear on the non-denaturing agarose gel may not exceed 2-3 kb. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of invertebrates have 28s rRNA with a so-called "hidden break" (Ishikawa, 1977). In some organisms the interaction between the parts of 28s rRNA is rather weak, so the total RNA preparation exhibits a single 18s-like rRNA band even on a non-denaturing gel. In other species the 28s rRNA is more robust, so it is still visible as a second band.

Note: If your experimental RNA is shorter than expected and/or degraded according to electrophoresis data, prepare fresh RNA after checking the quality of RNA purification reagents. If problems persist, you may need to find another source of tissue/cells. In some cases, partially degraded RNA is only available (e.g. tumor samples or hard treated tissues). This RNA can be used for cDNA preparation, however the cDNA sample will contain reduced number of full-length molecules.

- Commonly, genomic DNA contamination does not exceed the amount seen on the agarose/EtBr gel as a weak band of high molecular weight. Such contamination does not affect cDNA synthesis. DNase treatment to degrade genomic DNA is not recommended. In some cases, excess of genomic DNA can be removed by LiCl precipitation or by phenol:chloroform extraction.


10X DNA/RNA loading dye
Glycerol 50%
Bromphenol Blue 0.4%
Xylene Cyanol 0.4%

2011年6月27日 星期一


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當論文中提及該領域「當前研究現象與成果」,表示過去到現在該領域累積的研究成果,應使用現在完成式, 但不包含提及特定文獻,以下會加以說明。


我們的研究工作(非指文章本身)是在過去完成的,所以應使用過去式。但切記要與研究方法 (methods) 與研究成果 (results) 區隔,研究成果可視為「事實」,因此需使用現在式。




除非我們已有具體的未來研究方向計畫,不然請勿使用未來式來描述未來研究的方向,或是可換個方式來表達,如 something has to be done。



1. This aim of this paper (was/ is/ has been/ will be) to identify the factors . . .

本句常出現在摘要中,來概括「本論文」的目的,而非本研究,提到自己本身的文章 (this paper) 時使用現在式最佳,故本題應選 is。

2. Previous researchers (identify/ identified/ have identified) a number of factors.

本句為一般性的描述當前的研究現象與成果 (previous researchers,非指特定作者),應使用現在完成式, 故本題應選 have identified。

3. We (determine/ determined/ have determined) that the factors . . .

本句表達我們在研究的過程中判定/決定某事,這個動作是在過去完成的,應使用過去式,故本題應選 determined。

4. Pierce (claims/ claimed/ has claimed) that the most significant factors include . . .

本句明確的指向特定的作者 (Pierce),因此為過去之研究,應使用過去式,故本題應選 claimed。

5. It is commonly understood that such factors (will be/ are/ were/ have been) crucial to . . .

本句開頭 (commonly understood...)表明後面陳述的為眾人熟知的事實,應使用現在式,故本題應選 are。

6. Figure 7 (shows/ showed/ has shown) that that these factors (were/ are/ have been/ will be) important under these conditions.

本句提及論文中的圖表 (Figure 7),當提到我們論文本身或其中的章節及圖表,應使用現在簡單式,故應選 shows。

7. Despite these findings, further investigation (is/ was/ will be/ has been) necessary.

論文寫作中請避免使用未來式。我們的論文在未來五年內都有被人閱讀的機會,所以使用未來式將很難界定時間。因此,使用現在式較為安全,故本題應選 is。

8. In the following section, we (discussed/ will discuss/ discuss) these implications.

本句提及我們的文章中某一章節 (in the following section),應使用現在簡單式,故本題應選 discuss。

9. Recent advances (enabled/ have enabled/ enable/ will enable) further development of these resources.

本句首的Recent 為關鍵字,表示自過去某段時間一直到現在的成果,應使用現在完成,故本題應選 have enabled。

10. In a recent study, Lee et al. (have determined/ determined/ determines) that these factors . . .

雖然本句開頭與上一句相似,但後面明確指出某特定文獻 (Lee et al.),因此選用過去式,故本題應選 determined。


General Western blot

Makes 15 ml of 5x Loading Dye

3ml of 20% SDS
3.75 mL 1M Tris - pH 6.8
9 mg bromphenol blue
1.16 gm DTT (Alternatively add 2.4ml B-mercaptoethanol)
Add water to a final volume of 10.5ml
Mix the above reagents well before adding glycerol
4.5 mL Glycerol
Mix well again Store at 4 degrees

Running Buffer (1L)
Glycine 14.4 g
Tris 3.03 g
10% SDS 10 mL

Running condition
50V for 10~15 min
100V for 90 min

Transfer buffer (1 L)
Glycine 14.4 g
Tris 3.03 g
Methanol 100 mL

Transfer condition
200 mA/set for 120 min
blocking 5% skim milk / TBST

10X TBS Buffer (Tris buffer saline) (1 liter)
Tris Base [121.14] 500mM 60.5 g
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) 1.5 M 87.6 g
Add dH2O dilute to 1L pH= 7.5(以HCl滴定pH)

TBST (TBS + 0.05% Tween 20)
一抗 O/N, TBST 5 min x 6,
二抗 不超過2hr, TBST, x 6
Strip, ddH2O, microwave for 5 mins
Blocking 10% skim milk / TBST O/N 進行下一個階段的實驗

2011年6月26日 星期日

[實驗技術]細胞週期染色( propidium iodide stain)


細胞週期染色(flow cytometry propidium iodide stain)

在細胞凋亡的早期,發現有染色體濃縮 (chromosome condensation)的情況,染色質會聚集成半月狀沿著核膜周圍分佈,以及出現細胞核萎縮 (pyknosis); 晚期時細胞膜皺褶、失去原有細胞骨架但胞器仍在,胞膜及胞漿保持完整,去氧核糖核酸 (DNA)會斷裂成特定大小片段 (180-200 base pair) ,以及有凋亡小體 (apoptosis bodies)的產生,最後被鄰近的細胞清除。propidium iodide是一種染劑,中文名為碘化丙啶。能夠插入DNA或RNA鹼基對中並在受到488 nm激發後放出在562-588 nm間波長的激發光,因此我們可以利用這種特性去針對那些正在凋亡或染色體受損斷裂的細胞做標定並偵測它的含量。

1. 待測細胞固定染色方法如下(酒精固定法及PI 染色法):
(1) 置備懸浮細胞液,調整至濃度約5x 10^6 cells/ml。若細胞株為attached cell line,先以 Trypsin 將細胞打下,調整細胞濃度(注意trypsin 處理不可過度,細胞會破裂)。
(2) 取 1 mL 細胞液,以冰冷的 PBS buffer 清洗細胞一次,離心後,去除上清液。
(3) 以剩餘的上清液將細胞打散(必須確定細胞完全打散)。
(4) 在震盪器上(轉速不可開太快)一邊震盪一邊逐一滴入3 ml 70% 冰冷的酒精(注意觀察細胞,不要讓細胞發生凝集現象)。
(5) 置於 4度 固定至少一小時。(正常處理妥善,可以放至少兩個禮拜)
(6) 染色前,將細胞從 4 度取出,以 300g 離心5 分鐘,去除上清液。
(7) 以剩餘的上清液將細胞打散,加入 5 ml PBS buffer,靜置 3 分鐘後離心,去除上清液。
(8) 重複步驟7,以5 ml PBS buffer 再清洗細胞一次。
(9) 加入 1 ml PI/Triton X-100(終濃度 PI= 20ug/ml, Triton-X 100=0.1%, RNase A= 0.2mg/ml),均勻打散細胞(這步驟相當重要,以免上機時細胞卡管),避光染色至少30 分鐘。
(10) 上機前打散細胞並以 35um 尼龍篩網過濾樣本。
(11) 陽性控制組(已經固定而且以PI 染色的健康細胞)
(12) 陰性控制組 (已經固定,沒有以PI染色,可以調整細胞大小聚落,並可確認是否染色成功)

1. 參數選擇
要選擇的參數有:FS Lin、SS Lin、FL Lin、FL Peak、Ratio(Ratio= FL Peak/ FL Lin)
2. 門檻值設定
門檻值可設在FS 或FL
3. 分析圖形
對動物細胞進行分析,先利用陽性控制組細胞調整設定及繪圖。第一張要看的圖就是FS Lin- SS Lin,先調整FS、SS 電壓及Gain 值,使細胞群落在FS Lin- SS Lin 圖形中央,圈選所要觀察的細胞群,於 FL Lin- Ratio、FL Lin- FL Peak 圖形調整FL 電壓及Gain 值設定,區分螢光來源是單顆細胞還是聚集黏在一起的細胞(與基因組及倍體數分析的方法相同)。在FL Lin- Ratio 或FL Lin- FL Peak 圈選單顆細胞,於FL Lin histogram 分析單顆細胞的螢光訊號。


FL1:525 nM (FITC, GFP) 綠
FL2:576 nM (PE,YFP) 黃
FL3:620 nM (ECD,PI) 橘
FL4:675 nM (PC5, 7-ADD) 紅
FL5: 755 nM (PC7, PE-CY7) 紫

PI(Propidium iodide,Sigma,MO,USA)stain之原理,為PI染劑可染雙股之核酸鏈,當其以嵌合的方式(intercalation)與雙股核酸鏈結合會產生紅色螢光(640nm),但因其也會與雙股的RNA鏈相結合,故當用於測量細胞DNA時必須將細胞內之RNA移除,可藉由加入RNase達成此目的。


一、And 表示並列關係 (and)in addition/and/similarly/likewise/as well as/besides/furthermore/also/moreover/too/not only ... but/even/besides this/...